Lesson 5 Love 1. Which is greater Faith or Love? (I Cor. 1:13) ________________________________________________________________ 2. What should happen to Love according to Jude, verse 2 ________________________________________________________________ 3. Does God know if we have love in our hearts? (I John 3:11) ________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the Bible say should be our attitude towards our enemies? (Matt. 5:44) __________________________________________ 5. What is God's message to us in I John 3:11 _________________________________________________________________ 6. Is there a danger of our love becoming cold? (Matt. 24:12) _________________________________________________________________ 7. What promise does this scripture make to those who love God? (Rom. 8:28) _________________________________________________________________ 8. Copy I Corinthians 13 on a separate piece of paper. 9. How do we prove we love God? (John 14:21) ____________________________ 10. What does God promise them that love Him in James 1:12? _________________ 11. How are we to love God to obtain his Grace? (Eph. 6:24 ____________________ 12. If we love God what should we do? (John 14:15) __________________________ 13. Did God say that we would keep his words if we love him? (John 14:23) _______ 14. Can we love God without loving our brother? (I John 4: 20 - 21) _____________ 15. What is said of him who "loveth" in I John 4 7? ___________________________ 16. How can people tell that we are Christians? (I John 5:2) ____________________ 17. How is God's love perfect in us? (I John 4:12) __________________________________________________________________ 18. Where are we said to abide if we love our brother? (I John 2: 10) _________________________________________________________________ 19. How do we know we have passed from death unto life? (I John 3:14) __________________________________________________________________ 20. Does the Bible associate love with good works? (Heb.10:24) ________________ 21. How does this verse tell us to express our love? (I John 3:18) __________________________________________________________________ 22. How much are we to love God according to Mark 12:33? __________________________________________________________________ 23. How much are we to love our neighbor according to Mark 12:33? __________________________________________________________________ 24. What does love do according to Romans 13:10? __________________________________________________________________