THE CHRISTIAN STEWARTSHIP (Is tithing taught in the Bible?) Lesson 6 Webster's dictionary says ..."TITHE" ... to pay or give a tenth part of wages, income, ect. For the support of the church. Let us consider tithing before, during, and after the law of Moses 1.Tithing before the law of Moses. a.Tithing instated. i.Tithing was instituted before the law by what man? (Gen 14:20) ____________________________________________________ ii.Abraham's relationship with God was signified by what term? (James 2:23) _________________________________________ b.Tithing carried out. i.Tithing was carried out by Abraham's grandson. What was his name? (Genesis 28:20-22) ______________________________ c.Tithing under the law of Moses. i.Should a person tithe all his possessions rather than just money? Leviticus 27:30 _______________________________________ ii.What is a man to do if he keeps back part of his tithes (Leviticus 27:31) _______________________________________________ iii.IS tithing sufficient to support God's program? (II Chronicles 31:5-10) ______________________________________________ iv.In what way had the people robbed God? (Mal 3:8) ___________ v.What was the penalty for robbing God? (Mal. 3:9) _____________________________________________________ vi.What was the command to those who had robbed God? (Mal. 3:10) _____________________________________________________ vii.What is God's storehouse today? (Mal. 3:10) _________________ viii.How much of the tithes is to go into the storehouse? (Mal.3:10) ______________________________________________________ ix. Is a blessing promised for paying tithes? (Mal. 3:10-11) ______________________________________________________ d.Tithing after the law of Moses. i.What had the Pharisees left undone in Matt. 23:23? ______________________________________________________ ii.What did the Pharisees say about tithing> (Luke 18:12) ______________________________________________________ iii.What did Jesus say about tithing in Luke 11:42? ______________________________________________________ iv.What day of the week are we taught to pay our tithes? (I Cor. 16:1-2) ___________________________________________________ v. Why do you think God chose this day to bring our tithes to church rather than some other day? _______________________________ vi.If you are out of town on Sunday, what should be done with your tithes that week? _______________________________________ vii.If you are displeased with someone in the church, are you justified in withholding your tithes? _______________________________ viii.Do you think God's plan of tithing is fair to rich and pour alike? ___________________________________________________ ix.If a person tithes large amounts, should this give him special privileges above one that has only a small amount to tithe? ______________________________________________________ x.Read Hebrews 7:1-8. According to those verses, are we still to receive tithes as they did under the law? _____________________ xi.How do we witness that Jesus is alive according to Hebrews 7:8 ______________________________________________________ xii.After studying this lesson, what is your personal opinion concerning tithing? ___________