The Holy Spirit Lesson 11 1. Can one be saved without the Holy Sprit? (John 3:5) _______________________ 2. How long does the Comforter abide in us? (John 14:16) ____________________ 3. Who is the Comforter? (John 14:26) ____________________________________ 4. Name the members of the Trinity (John15:26) ____________________________ 5. Of whom does the Holy Spirit testify? (John 15:26) ________________________ 6. Why was it expedient for Christ to go away? (John 16:7) __________________________________________________________________ 7. Name three things of which the Holy Spirit will reprove the world? (John 16:8) __________________________________________________________________ 8. What are the reasons for each of these (John 16: 9-11) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Of whom will the Holy Spirit not speak? (John 16:13) ______________________ 10. Give the day for the coming of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:1) __________________ 11. List three unusual signs, which accompanied the coming of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:2-4) ____________________________________________________________ 12. Were the tougues spoken at Pentecost languages, which could not be understood? (Acts 2:6) _________________________________________________________ 13. Name the languages spoken (Acts 2:9 - 11) __________________________________________________________________ 14. Give the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the following verses: a. Acts 1:8 ____________________________________________________ b. Romans 8:5 _________________________________________________ c. Romans 8:16 ________________________________________________ d. Gal. 5:22-23 _________________________________________________ 15. Can one be saved and not have the Holy Ghost? (Romans 8:9) _______________ 16. Are the Spirits of Christ and the Holy Ghost the same? (Compare I Peter 1:10-11 with II Peter 1:21) _________________________________________________ 17. List the various gifts of the Spirit to believers described in I Cor. 12:7-11 __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 18. Did all in the early church speak in tongues? (I Cor. 12:30) __________________ 19. Were Tongues a temporary gift? (I Cor. 13:8) ____________________________ 20. Do You have the Holy Ghost? _______ How do you know? ________________