Soul Winning Lesson 13 1. Name three things one must do to win souls (bring sheaves) (Psalms126:6) ______________________________________________________________ 2. Give three reasons why "He that winneth souls is wise." (Prov 11:30) _________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. List two ways the soul winner will shine. (Daniel 12:3) _____________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4. State the condition for becomming a "fisher of men" (Matt 4:19) _____________ _____________________________________________________________ 5. Do all Christian have the Holy Spirit? (Romans 8:9) ______________________ 6. What does the Holy Spirit empower Christians to do? (Acts 1:8) ____________ _____________________________________________________________ 7. Does Christ want all want all Christians to be witnesses? (Acts 1:8) __________ 8. If a person finds himself afriad to witness for Christ what should he do? ( acts 4:31) ______________________________________________________________ 9. List some qualifications of the soul winner: Acts 19:13-15 _______________________________________________ Mark 1:35 __________________________________________________ Luke 4:16 __________________________________________________ Acts 8:35 __________________________________________________ Matt. 28:19 _________________________________________________ I John 2:15-16 _______________________________________________ 10. List some places where we can find lost souls: Matt 9:9 ___________________________________________________ Matt 19:13 _________________________________________________ Matt 20:3 __________________________________________________ Luke 7:11-12 _______________________________________________ 11. Name as many diffrent places as you can think of where one witness as suggested in Luke 14:16-23 ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 12. Show some who may be prospects for soul winning. John 1: 41-42 ______________________________________________ Luke 5: 27-29 ______________________________________________ Matt. 4:18-22 ______________________________________________ Luke 8:39 _________________________________________________ Acts 10:24 ________________________________________________ Mark 12:33 _______________________________________________ 13. Tell how this verse shows that all are sinners (Romans 3:23) ______________ ____________________________________________________________ 14. Describe the wages of sin (Romans 6:23) ____________________________ 15. For whome did Christ die? (Romans 5:8) ___________________________ 16. What two conditions must a man meet to be saved? (Romans 10:9) 17 Who is included in the plan of salvation? (Romans 10:13) ________________ 18. Give God's part and Man's part in salvation John 1:12 __________________ _____________________________________________________________ 19. Write (on back) the plan of salvation using the veres in questions 13 -16